Is It Possible To Clear My Record?

Category : Nolef Turns Inc.

If you’ve been convicted of some form of crime, having that record linger over you can be quite disheartening. If you feel that your situation could be rectified or that your conviction was unfair, there are ways to clear that record. Start with doing some preliminary research to find a good attorney to work with.


According to the Court of Appeal BC, if you’ve already been convicted of a crime, appealing is the next step to take to clear your record. You’ll need to work with an experienced attorney to file a notice of appeal and then once the notice is underway, your attorney will comb through all the court documents to find anything in the previous proceedings where legal errors were made.

This research will enable a lawyer to make an opening brief that presents what happened in court and then presents arguments as to why the previous trial was done incorrectly. Ultimately, if you have a good lawyer and if you have good reasons to appeal, you may be able to reverse the charges.

Expunging Records

According to Rogers Beltran LLP, even if you have been convicted, expungement will clear your criminal record and help you get a fresh start. Expungement means that a court erases the charges from your records and the previous conviction functionally does not exist in the public record or even in the courtroom.

If you’re hoping to have your record expunged, do your research to figure out if your offense is even possible to expunge in your jurisdiction. If it is, you are usually required to go a certain amount of time without any form of reoffending or similar offense.

Sealing Records

According to Texas Law Help, another way to clear your record in effect is to have your record sealed. Sealing your record is similar to expunging it in that your record will not show up on background checks for things like job applications or to receive licensing. However, it is different from expungement in that the record still exists in court though it is erased from the public record.

Expungement is generally the better option if available to you, but depending on your situation or state, you might only be available to have your records sealed.

As you go forward with the process of trying to clear your record, make sure you have a good attorney. Getting the right person for the job will make a world of difference in reversing your conviction. Do more research about your specific jurisdiction as well so that you better understand the laws relevant to your situation.

Read this next: How Formerly Incarcerated People Can Expand Their Job Opportunities

How Formerly Incarcerated People Can Expand Their Job Opportunities

Category : Nolef Turns Inc.

When it comes to seeking employment, people who have a criminal record often find it difficult to find the right job. You are not alone. Approximately one-third of American adults have a criminal record and find plenty of factors holding them back. However, today’s world is so diverse, there are plenty of career opportunities, no matter your past.

Learn Advanced Skills

A major factor that will help you in the job market is your education and advanced skills. Your salary will not only increase if you have a degree but your writing, reading, comprehension, and communication skills will assist you in your chances of getting hired. Whether you go to a technical trade school or a university, what you specialize in will provide even more opportunities for advancement.

Look into Expungement

Following the conviction of a crime, it is hard to get jobs in certain fields. The healthcare, childcare, and financial industries are a few that do not employ convicted felons. However, convictions on the federal and state level can be pardoned by the president or governor. If you are interested in healthcare, you can get more opportunities in the healthcare field by turning to an attorney to fight to expunge your record. Your career will thank you when you explore the various ways, including hiring an attorney, to assist you in clearing your record.

Be Patient

Numerous career opportunities will open up to you if you are patient in your current circumstances. Job promotions and raises will always come when you put in the work and wait for the right time. Through demonstrating good work performance and staying consistent with the rules, you will prove yourself worthy of advancements. After a while, either through your current company or at another, you find the job opportunities much more varied than when you started.

Many have said that those with a criminal record often have more to bring to an organization as an employee because they are willing to prove themselves and move away from their past. Their eagerness is what makes them excellent employees. When looking for job opportunities, your success will depend on the advanced skills you obtain, whether or not you can expunge your record, and patience with the advancement process. Doing so will open doors you may not have previously thought possible.

If you’re looking for a job after you’ve gotten out of jail and you’re having a hard time, we can help you find one! Explore our career opportunities here.


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