Is It Possible To Clear My Record?
Category : Nolef Turns Inc.
If you’ve been convicted of some form of crime, having that record linger over you can be quite disheartening. If you feel that your situation could be rectified or that your conviction was unfair, there are ways to clear that record. Start with doing some preliminary research to find a good attorney to work with.
According to the Court of Appeal BC, if you’ve already been convicted of a crime, appealing is the next step to take to clear your record. You’ll need to work with an experienced attorney to file a notice of appeal and then once the notice is underway, your attorney will comb through all the court documents to find anything in the previous proceedings where legal errors were made.
This research will enable a lawyer to make an opening brief that presents what happened in court and then presents arguments as to why the previous trial was done incorrectly. Ultimately, if you have a good lawyer and if you have good reasons to appeal, you may be able to reverse the charges.
Expunging Records
According to Rogers Beltran LLP, even if you have been convicted, expungement will clear your criminal record and help you get a fresh start. Expungement means that a court erases the charges from your records and the previous conviction functionally does not exist in the public record or even in the courtroom.
If you’re hoping to have your record expunged, do your research to figure out if your offense is even possible to expunge in your jurisdiction. If it is, you are usually required to go a certain amount of time without any form of reoffending or similar offense.
Sealing Records
According to Texas Law Help, another way to clear your record in effect is to have your record sealed. Sealing your record is similar to expunging it in that your record will not show up on background checks for things like job applications or to receive licensing. However, it is different from expungement in that the record still exists in court though it is erased from the public record.
Expungement is generally the better option if available to you, but depending on your situation or state, you might only be available to have your records sealed.
As you go forward with the process of trying to clear your record, make sure you have a good attorney. Getting the right person for the job will make a world of difference in reversing your conviction. Do more research about your specific jurisdiction as well so that you better understand the laws relevant to your situation.
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