Community Partner Spotlight: Regretful Heart Laser Tattoo Removal

Meet Our Newest Community Partner

Regretful Heart Laser Tattoo Removal has partnered with Nolef Turns to offer pro bono / discounted laser tattoo removal services to individuals with justice involvement. 

Are You Interested?

As an official community partners, Nolef Turns participants are offered low or no cost laser tattoo removal services, provided by Regretful Heart Laser Tattoo Removal. If you are interested in getting a new start with the laser tattoo removal service and are a current participant in our program, contact us with your needs and we will arrange a consultation. 

Take the Pledge! Real Chances at Dignity After Convictions

Take The Pledge!

There are over 46,000 collateral consequences - additional civil state penalties, mandated by statute, that attach to criminal convictions. The sentence never ends.

There are 6.1 million people living with a felony conviction in America. If housing is truly a right, why do we allow convictions to deny people access to safe and affordable housing that they can afford? Are background check questions on employment applications really for public safety?

Take the pledge, donate today, become an NLT member!


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