How to Create a LinkedIn Profile That Says “Hire Me!”

If you have a criminal record and are looking to integrate back into society by finding a job, it can be difficult. However, it doesn’t have to be. If you use the right tools and tactics with regards to your LinkedIn profile, you can get hired in no time. Here are some solid tips to help you master your LinkedIn profile so employers can’t wait to bring you on board:

Custom URL

Customizing your LinkedIn profile can make a difference, especially when it comes to he URL. It shows employers that you care, first of all. Second, you can be found more easily online with a url extension that is shorter, easier to remember, and connected to your name instead of some random extension like “y22789gs.” For a quick guide on how to customize your URL, click here.

Profile Photo

There is a reason that people say pictures speak a thousand words. According to Justin Berrington, a professional headshot on your profile can build credibility, polish your branding, position you as an expert, and help you make a lasting impression in a recruiter’s mind. Make sure your profile photo is your best picture that exists of you. It should be well lit, show you smiling, and use neutral clothing that is appropriate for your industry.

Write up a Summary

Don’t try to save five minutes by avoiding the summary writing portion of your profile update. If you do, it could hurt you in the long run. And be sure to avoid mentioning your criminal past. Candidates will little or no summaries or criminal backgrounds come off as inexperienced, risky, or lazy, and that’s the last thing you want an employer thinking about you.

Avoid Buzzwords

Buzzwords are tempting. They are used everywhere online today, and many in your industry might use them in their blogs. However, they are largely empty of meaning and great employers are looking for results and experience, not platitudes.


Make sure you have as many recommendations as possible on your profile. These are often easy to get if you reach out to former colleagues and employers with a kind request. It can help you rebuild your reputation in the eyes of employers. In addition, make sure to get endorsements for your skills: social proof is a powerful thing.

Status Updates

If you were browsing someone’s profile and they hadn’t updated their status in ages, what would you think about them? Well, anyone that comes across your profile will think the same thing if it’s outdated. According to Hannah Morgan, the key here is to share status updates that appeal to your network and potential employers. Those who update their status weekly are 10x more likely to be contacted by recruiters!

When it comes to creating a LinkedIn profile that says “hire me” when you have a criminal record, you need to do more than the bare minimum. A little thought and imagination will go a long way at the beginning. So implement the tips above and land your dream job before you know it.

At NoLef Turns, we believe that everyone deserves another chance. We have launched a campaign to fight against the “Forever Felon”. Follow @nolefturnsinc on IG or Facebook for updates on the many inalienable rights lost due to a felony conviction in Virginia.


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[…] How to Create a LinkedIn Profile That Says “Hire Me!” […]


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